Online Medical Dictionary
Letter W
- Watchful Waiting
- Also termed expectant managing, watchful waiting involves the close observation of an individual's condition, during which several tests may be employed, staving off treatment or therapy until the need for such is indicated. This observation may occur in-facility or in an outpatient who returns for testing and examination at specified intervals.
- Water on the Brain
- Hydrocephalus, an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities or ventricles of the brain. The intercranial pressure created by the fluid may cause mental disability, enlargement of the head or convulsion. Hydrocephalus occurs with more frequency than does Down syndrome. Treatment necessitates excess fluid drainage.
- Werner Syndrome
- A rare adult progeria (a genetic syndrome inducing symptoms of aging at a young age), closely resembling accelerated aging. Werner syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder inherited on chromosome 8.
- West Nile Virus
- A usually mosquito-borne flavivirus that remains asymptomatic in roughly 90 per cent of those it infects. Of the remainder, the majority will show symptoms of the West Nile fever, while a small population will develop West Nile meningitis.
- Whiplash Injury
- A term used, non-medically, to describe an injury involving the hyperextension or acute distortion of the neck. Physical therapy and cervical collar are common implementations in the treatment regime of whiplash.
- White Blood Cell
- See Leukocytes.
- White Blood Cell Count
- The absolute number of leukocytes (white blood cells) found in the bloodstream. An increase or decrease in one of the different types of white blood cells (lymphocytes, granulocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils)found in the blood may indicate the presence of different diseases.
- Whooping Cough
- Pertussis, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough normally takes six weeks upon onset to clear. Prevention is available through the DPT vaccine. Antibiotics may lessen the severity of the disease once contracted.
- Windpipe
- The trachea; the segment of the respiratory tract allowing for the passage of air between the larynx and the lungs.